by Joshua

Joshua is the one managing this blog.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

strange things in the world01
Ha ha
Garfield without Garfield
Garfield without Garfield
Life Without Garfield 

Num Num Num

Baby Monkey

Every Saturday before labor day is bacon day. (relay, look it up) 
They are all Pumpkins 

A Poem From Josh called Always Eat Your Meat!
Once there was a plump old man who didn’t like his meat. “go cook and bake and broil and take this for someone else to eat!” said he said he “now go and fetch me tea.” The servants did as they were told. “to serve him” said one of the cooks “you must be brave and dashing and bold! (because he would harshly harshly scold.) “here is his tea” said he said he. The servants gave it to the plump old man then they left him In piece. “that man can get whatever he wants even the golden fleece!” said the servants “I have a idea we put poison I his tea!” said she said she. The old man over herd there plan to poison him galore so he ran out the door to an old sea shore and there he lived ever more By Josh 
Try to Take Over the World!
Monk Jellybeans

Chuckle Chuckle


Its Snapeerdoodle

That is my sister Julie

The Wand the cloak the stone.

do it man do it


List of unusual deaths

2011: A 35 year old man from Blagoveshchensk, Russia, died after pleading with a friend to bury him alive for the night in a garden with the belief that this would bring him luck for the rest of his life. It is thought that heavy rain falling throughout the night may have blocked the victim's breathing tubes and he was found dead the next morning.

1955: Margo Jones, theater director, was killed by exposure to carbon tetrachloride fumes from her newly cleaned carpet.

2011: Arthur Sexton, 80, drowned after falling off a step ladder and landing upside down in a water butt containing only a couple of feet of water.

2010: Robert Gary Jones, 38, was killed while jogging on a beach in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina when he was hit from behind by a small plane making an emergency landing.

1794: John Kendrick, an American sea captain and explorer, was killed in the Hawaiian Islands when a British ship mistakenly used a loaded cannon to fire a salute to Kendrick's vessel.

 620 BC: Draco, Athenian law-maker, was smothered to death by gifts of cloaks showered upon him by appreciative citizens at a theatre on Aegina.

1814: London Beer Flood, 9 people were killed when 323,000 imperial gallons (1,468,000L) of beer in the Meux and Company Brewery burst out of their vats and gushed into the streets.
Future Advice

If a crocodile asks you to jump in his mouth for a ride don't do it
   if a hippo tells you to eat poison ivy don't do it.
if Paraná says come for a swim don't do it.
if a clown wants to give you a ride don't do it.
if a bat says for you to jump in a pit of snakes don't do it.
if a donkey wants you to say a bad word don't do it.
if a dragon wants you to eat dynamite and then swallow a match don't do it.  
             That Ends The Future advice Time For Today

Charlie Chaplin (What a card!) 
 Wonderfulie happytisttick gratleygrate thhhiiiiinhhg 

memes-the-unforgiveable-but-delicious-curse.gif (500×335)
Billy Joel approves. 

In the air 

Sitting on a fence...not really were in the air!!!

Karate move!!!

umm awkward   

Off yo Neverland  




Why is a raven like a writing desk answer isssss: Edger Allen Poe wrote on both! (Look him up!!!!)

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